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Begin your Ledger device setup at®. Follow easy steps to secure your cryptocurrencies with the industry's leading hardware wallet.

Welcome to, your ultimate guide to setting up and securing your Ledger hardware wallet. Whether you're new to cryptocurrency or an experienced trader, following these steps will ensure your digital assets are safe and accessible.

Why Choose Ledger?

Ledger is a leading provider of hardware wallets, offering top-notch security for your cryptocurrencies. With a Ledger device, you can safely store, manage, and trade your digital assets offline, protecting them from online threats. Let's dive into the setup process.

Unboxing Your Ledger Device

When you receive your Ledger device, you'll find the following items in the box:

  • Ledger hardware wallet

  • USB cable

  • Recovery sheet

  • Keychain and accessories

  • User manual

Before you begin, ensure all items are included and in good condition.

Setting Up Your Ledger Device

  1. Visit

    Go to to access the official setup guide. This webpage offers step-by-step instructions and resources to help you through the setup process.

  2. Download Ledger Live

    Ledger Live is the official companion app for your Ledger device. Download and install it on your computer or smartphone. This app will be your hub for managing your cryptocurrencies.

  3. Initialize Your Device

    Connect your Ledger device to your computer using the USB cable. Open Ledger Live and follow the on-screen instructions to initialize your device. You will be prompted to set up a PIN code—choose a secure one and never share it with anyone.

  4. Write Down Your Recovery Phrase

    During the setup, you will receive a 24-word recovery phrase. This phrase is crucial for accessing your wallet if your device is lost or damaged. Write it down on the recovery sheet provided and store it in a secure location. Never share your recovery phrase online or with anyone.

  5. Verify Your Recovery Phrase

    Ledger Live will ask you to verify your recovery phrase by selecting the words in the correct order. This step ensures you've accurately recorded your recovery phrase.

Adding Accounts and Managing Your Crypto

  1. Add Cryptocurrency Accounts

    Once your device is set up, you can add cryptocurrency accounts in Ledger Live. Click on "Accounts" and then "Add account" to choose the cryptocurrencies you wish to manage.

  2. Receive and Send Crypto

    To receive crypto, open Ledger Live, navigate to your account, and click "Receive." Follow the prompts to generate a receiving address. Share this address with the sender to receive funds securely.

    To send crypto, go to your account, click "Send," and enter the recipient's address and amount. Confirm the transaction on your Ledger device for added security.

  3. Monitor Your Portfolio

    Ledger Live allows you to track your portfolio's performance in real-time. View your balance, transaction history, and market data all in one place.

Enhancing Security

  1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

    For added security, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Ledger Live account. This provides an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

  2. Keep Firmware Updated

    Regularly update your Ledger device firmware to ensure you have the latest security features. Ledger Live will notify you when updates are available.

  3. Be Aware of Phishing Scams

    Always verify the URL ( and be cautious of phishing attempts. Ledger will never ask for your recovery phrase.

Support and Resources

If you encounter any issues or have questions, Ledger offers comprehensive support through their website. Visit the Help Center for FAQs, tutorials, and contact options.


Starting with your Ledger hardware wallet is a straightforward process that ensures your digital assets are secure. By following the steps outlined at, you can confidently manage your cryptocurrency portfolio. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with using a Ledger device, knowing your investments are protected by state-of-the-art security.

Last updated